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Jesse Daniel Edwards is an alternative songwriter from the small mountain town of Cuyamaca, CA where he grew up without TV, internet, or significant exposure to the outside world. He spent his late teens busking on street corners around the US and abroad.

While singing outside of a bar in Nashville, Jesse struck up a friendship with the late Al Bunetta (John Prine). Bunetta served as a mentor to the young artist, encouraging Jesse to write and tour full-time in the years to follow.

During the Covid pandemic, JDE returned to the studio in 2020 with critically acclaimed "Saudade" - a collaborative project produced by Steve Cropper (Otis Redding, RCA). Under the alias Juni Ata, the album charted successfully in the U.S. and abroad, while receiving significant airplay and garnering positive reviews.

2023 marked the vinyl re-release of "American Dreaming" (Cavity Search Records- Elliott Smith), and the summer release of piano rock opus "Violensia" (produced by Joe Chiccarelli- The Strokes, The Shins). 


JDE's latest endeavors include the forthcoming record "Clap Trap Venus" (summer 2024), and a collection of selected poems and prose (Shadow Tidings) published in the fall.  

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"Glorious, big balls indie

...staggeringly confident." 

-Mojo Magazine

"Full of courage and catharsis." 

-American Songwriter

"The kind of passion

that demands attention."

-Associated Press






©2024 JDE

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